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Noel Stewart writing Alice Ravenhill to share more news of his work at St. George's, including having sent off a booklet of about 35 stories written and illustrated by his students to an American publisher and having prepared an "Indian School Primer…

A play written by Anthony Walsh that is based on a previously published Nativity Tale written by Aboriginal students at the Inkameep Indian Day School in the Okanagan Valley, B.C. in 1941.

One of several form letters Alice Ravenhill sent out to the principals and teachers Indian Residential and Day schools across British Columbia to inquire about existing arts-based education initiatives and to invite these educators to join the…

One of several form letters Alice Ravenhill sent out to the principals and teachers Indian Residential and Day schools across British Columbia to inquire about existing arts-based education initiatives and to invite these educators to join the…

Alice Ravenhill describes to Noel Stewart her proposed project of preparing tribe-specific Charts for use in Residential schools, which would show students "the line of former achievements by their own Tribes." She also makes reference to a handbook…
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