

...by Browsing

Through Items, you can access all the materials in the Collection, in order of date added. All items in the Collection have been extensively classified according to various keywords. To narrow your search using pre-determined keywords, try browsing by Tags.

Through Exhibits, you can access groups of materials that have been gathered together around specific people, times, or places. Each exhibit includes an critical introduction to help establish the historical context and editorial intentions.

...by Searching

Many of the materials in the Collection have been fully transcribed. You can run full-text searches to locate specific words, phrases, or ideas throughout the site. To find documents containing particular information, use the Search function.

...by Sharing

Near the bottom of every page are social networking icons. Click these to quickly and easily share materials with friends and followers via Facebook, Twitter, Google+, or Stumbleupon.

...by Citing

Following each item is a suggested citation for acknowledging the Collection in your research.

...by Saving

The Collection is Zotero-enabled, meaning you can save pages and bibliographic information with the click of a button.